Thaddeus R. Maciag


Internet Defamation Law, Unauthorized Access to Computer Data and Records.  Thaddeus R. Maciag, Esq. is experienced in litigation of cases involving Internet Defamation and Unauthorized Access to Computer Data and Records.  Has an employee or former friend been accessing your computer data and records without your permission or authorization?  Has a competitor, or a disgruntled customer,  been filing false or inaccurate reviews off your business on-line.  Contact attorney Ted Maciag at 908-704-8800 to learn more details about your rights under the law.  We have filed cases on an emergent basis, involving hearings on short notice before a judge, gaining entry of temporary restraining orders prohibiting further defamation, as well as lawsuits involving punitive damages and compensatory damages claims.   We often can gain a public apology and swift retraction of the false accusations.