Click here>>>> to view a television interview of Ted Maciag:
Thaddeus R. Maciag
Saving Family Farms
through Chapter 12 Reorganization
Family Farmer Chapter 12 Reorganization,
Chapter 12 Farm Bankruptcy,
Farm Mortgage Modification, Stop Farm Foreclosure
EXPERIENCED CHAPTER 12 FARM REORGANIZATION, FARM BANKRUPTCY ATTORNEY -- Attorney Ted Maciag has successfully gained United States Bankruptcy Court Approval of Chapter 12 Family Farmer Reorganization cases involving New Jersey farms, including New Jersey Horse Farms and Equestrian Farming Operations. Call us at 908-704-8800 for a Free CHAPTER 12 FARM REORGANIZATION Bankruptcy Analysis and Consultation.
Ted Maciag has more than 20 years of experience as a leader in Open Space Preservation in the State of New Jersey. As a lawyer and as an elected and appointed government official, Ted Maciag has been recognized by news organizations, environmental leaders, and public officials as one of the pioneers of Open Space Preservation and Farmland Preservation in the State of New Jersey. He now uses that experience to help save Family Farmers in New Jersey.
Experienced Chapter 12 Farm Bankruptcy lawyers are hard to find in the State of New Jersey. Most New Jersey bankruptcy lawyers have never handled a Chapter 12 Farm Bankruptcy and Reorganization case, but Ted Maciag has been successful in gaining Court Approval of Chapter 12 Farm Plans of Reorganization, restructuring debt, modifying mortgages and Stopping Farm Foreclosure. Call us at 908-704-8800 to discuss Chapter 12 Bankruptcy and Chapter 12 Reorganization.
Attorney Ted Maciag has also represented New Jersey farmers and farm families in matters including Right to Farm Litigation, New Jersey Farm Law, Farmland Preservation, and related financial and real estate matters.
As a former Mayor, as a Municipal Attorney, and as an Open Space Committee member, Ted Maciag has been at the forefront of efforts that have resulted in the successful financing, closing and preservation of more than 20 farms and other large open space properties, saving more than 4,000 acres.
"We are a debt relief agency. We help individuals and businesses file for relief under the United States Bankruptcy Code."